*** M O N D A Y S ***
Filet Mignon...
Served with baked potato,
vegetables, salad & French bread.
Broasted Chicken (4
Served with fries & coleslaw.
*** T U E S D A Y S ***
1/2 lb. Cheeseburger w/FF... $9.95
*** W E D N E S D A Y S
Half Price Pizza
(Dine-In or Pick-Up)
Any size, any type, any number
of Pizzas... 1/2 PRICE!
*** T H U R S D A Y S ***
Salad Specials...
Includes Greek, Julienne, Grilled
or Blackened Chicken & Popeye.
*** F R I D A Y S ***
Served with French fries,
coleslaw, and soup.
*** S A T U R D A Y S ***
Half Price Pizza
(Dine-In Only)
Any size, any type, any number
of Pizzas... 1/2 PRICE!
*** S U N D A Y S ***